Saturday, March 8, 2014

Shade with light effects

This shaded bed has light green grass and ground cover to add an element of light in the shade. We also brought in some burgundy plants for contrast as well as some winter interest with Julia Jane Boxwoo...

Garden Landscape Designs for the Creative Gardener

Its cold, its winter, and to Gardeners everywhere, its time to lie back and see in their minds eye all the beautiful Garden Landscape Designs they will achieve in their front and back yards in a few short months when spring turns up. To those with a serious case of the green thumb, every act of mucking about in the Garden, digging, clearing up weeds, and lovingly nurturing their seedlings is about the greatest way to spend a warm afternoon. To these...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Warming Trends Custom L Shaped Burner

330K BTU Crossfire Burner and custom 64 1/2" x 51" aluminum pan. If you are a commercial business owner, home owner, builder or architect, please contact us for your custom fire pit today. 1-877-556-52...

Private Residence Puget St

More examples of work....This is 3 years after planting...

Tropical Backyard Landscaping Creating An Exotic Backyard Resort Even If You Dont Live in Florida

Tropical resorts in the Islands represent some of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. Every year millions of busy, over-stressed people choose to spend their precious vacation time unwinding at tropical locales. Why? What makes these places so irresistible? Could it be the lifestyle ideal they represent, a setting where the pressures of everyday life can just be forgotten, replaced by an attitude of contentment, tranquility, and...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Great Landscape Design Incorporating Fire Pits

Thinking about redesigning or improving your outdoor entertainment space? A fire pit can enhance the atmosphere of your back yard experience. I use the word experience because sitting around a fire is a social event. You chat it up with family and friends, eat, drink and be merry. The ambiance is heightened with the warm glow of the flame, and we as humans have always been attracted to the fascination of fire.I found a great site which shows how fire pits can be incorporated into the overall landscape design of your backyard. Its not just about...

Bracken Fern

PteridiumPteridium aquilinium ( Bracken Fern )A very attractive but unfortunately very invasive, fast growing, rhizome spreading Fern, reaching a maximum height of 8 ( record is 10 ) feet, though typically under 5 feet. Runners have been known to extend out 20 feet from the parent plant and old clumps as much as 60 feet across have been found. It is an impressive architectual addition to the landscape when planted on a site that allows its massive...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Fire Pit is a Grown Ups Campfire

Thanks to Mike Holmes, Citizen Special, for coming up with that one-liner. He posted a great article in the Ottawa Citizen about fire pits and how they need to be assembled in the proper manner for safety reasons. He suggests to start building from below the ground up, recessed if you will, to ensure proper drainage. He also mentions how important it is to select the right brick or stone so that they dont explode on you. He also mentions, as we have in previous postings, the importance of selecting a safe location for your fire pit being careful...

Foliage Follow Up Summer Garden Foliage Combinations

July Garden FoliageFoliage variation is an extremely important element in the garden and Pam at Digging hosts Foliage Follow-up each month on the 16th as a way to remind ourselves of the importance of foliage in the garden on the day after Bloom Day.   This is my first time joining in on this meme and I am very excited about sharing some of the foliage I have in my gardens.  Come along with me to take a look!Heuchera,...

Hot or Not Hits the Road

This Friday December 2, I will be speaking at the fourth annual "Turning a New Leaf Conference" in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.  My talk is entitled "Hot or Not: How Making Sustainable Landscapes Fashionable will Revolutionize the Movement."  The talk was inspired by my original post found here.Here is the abstract: The sustainable landscape movement has advanced significantly over the last decade, gaining in acceptance among homeowners and designers. But many remain skeptical of sustainable practices, and there is even evidence of a...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Living room ocean decoration design

Ocean inspiration living room interior designLiving room Ocean Decor        Every summer, when you get back from the beach holiday you want to redecorate your living room vacation to bring you home aesthetic. And every year is something you are diverting attention from the performance of his official term. I finally got time, and although six months has elapsed since your vacation, you are ready to bring the beach...


A genus of only 4 species that are related to the larger Rose family that are native to the Himalayas and China.They are thorny and arching in habit and have attractive glossy foliage.All species prefer moist well drained soil in partial to full sun.Propagated from seed in autumn or softwood cuttings taken in summer.Prinsepia sinensis ( Cherry Prinsepia )A rare, moderate growing, long lived, spiny, dense spreading shrub reaching up to 10 x 10 feet...

Monday, March 3, 2014

A Guide to Northeastern Gardening 100th Post And Three Year Anniversary The Journey

~Guide To Northeastern Gardening 100th Post~   Welcome to A Guide to Northeastern Gardenings 100th post!  Well it certainly has been a  journey.  When I first started blogging exactly three years ago today I never knew how long I would be pursuing it and couldnt even imagine reaching a 100th post.    Garden blogging has become an important part of who I am...sort of a life diary.  I get to share...

A Concrete example

A while back, I had the pleasure to work in the business of concrete thanks to a good buddy of mine that needed a summer labourer for his construction company. The work is not fun and can be very hard on your body over many years. I developed a huge respect for the men I worked with that do this job for a living.The picture above gives a great example of a concrete pad that was just poured and set in place. The forms have been pulled off and the...

Modern Contemporary Fire Pit Design

Ok, so todays blog is about artistic design with fire pits. Now, the drawback here is that we dont usually build these types of fire pits, however, we can fit our crossfire burning systems into these designs. So I guess its six in one, half a dozen in the other. We just want your business, so thats why I bring this up. Anyway, we are always interested in whats on the market in terms of outdoor fire pits and I came across a site that has some interesting...

Considerations for Successful Hardscaping

I cam across a great article from offering some helpful tips on how to create and install a successful hardscape design. From considering the overall space of the landscape, to drainage issues, to developing a focal point in your backyard, HGTVs article is helpful to those getting ready to re-create their outdoor living space. Other tips offered include choosing the right materials for your hardscape, choosing balanced elements and maintaining...